Criminal Defense
After being arrested, for a misdemeanor or a felony, facing the legal system alone can be frustrating and downright frightening. At Sharma & Associates, P.C., our criminal attorneys are experienced professionals who provide comprehensive, aggressive representation to anyone arrested for a crime in the state of Texas.
Our lawyers have represented many clients who were charged with the following crimes:
- Assault and Battery
- Theft Crimes
- Rape and Sexual Assault Crimes
- Family Violence
- Illegal Drugs
- Illegal Weapons
- Vehicular Assault

The following are a few cases handled by our esteemed Firm in 2010. (In no Particular order & Names abbreviated for privacy). Disposition of a criminal case depends largely upon the facts and circumstances of the particular case. There is no guarantee we will achieve the same results for you.
- State vs. BT: Charged with Felony Injury to a Child in Harris County court 351; Jury Verdict of Not Guilty-reported in Houston Chronicle and TV stations
- State vs. MV: Charged with Felony Internet Child Predator in Caldwell county court-Jury Verdict-Probation. This was the first case in a state court in Texas to go to trial on this type charge.
- State vs. AP: Misdemeanor charge of assault on fiancée in Harris county court #7: dismissed on trial date
- State vs. SP: Woman Charged in Harris County Court #9 with assault, Bodily Injury; Dismissed before trial
- State vs. JL: Man Charged with 2 Felony Robberies in Harris County Court 177; 1 Dismissed other plead to probation before trial
- State vs. JC: Man Charged with Criminal Trespass in Harris County Court #13; Dismissed
- State vs. BP: Charged with selling alcohol to minor; Dismissed
- State vs. HD: Dallas man Charged with felony evading Arrest in Harris County Court 208 after high speed chase; Dismissed on trial date
- State vs. JT: Charged with Aggravated Sexual Offense; Dismissed (along with plea)
- State vs. BD: Man Charged with Aggravated Assault with deadly weapon in Felony Court 182, Harris County, Texas; Dismissed
- State vs. LJ: Charged with Possession Controlled Substance; 2 cases dismissed
- State vs. RG: Man charged with Felony Aggravated Sexual Assault of child in Harris county Court 184; Dismissed (no Bill) by Grand Jury
- State vs. PC: Man Charged with Felony Indecency with child in Harris County Court 209; Dismissed on trial date
- State vs. BS: Minister Charged with Felony Sexual Assault of child in Harris County Court 180; Dismissed-No bill by Grand Jury
- State vs. RM: Charged with Aggravated Assault with deadly weapon-Dismissed
- State vs. MD: Man Charged with Injury to a child in Harris County; Dismissed

- State vs. JC: Man Charged with Criminal Trespass in Harris County Court #13; Dismissed
- State vs. BP: Charged with selling alcohol to minor; Dismissed
- State vs. HD: Dallas man Charged with felony evading Arrest in Harris County Court 208 after high speed chase; Dismissed on trial date
- State vs. JT: Charged with Aggravated Sexual Offense; Dismissed (along with plea)
- State vs. BD: Man Charged with Aggravated Assault with deadly weapon in Felony Court 182, Harris County, Texas; Dismissed
- State vs. LJ: Charged with Possession Controlled Substance; 2 cases dismissed
- State vs. RG: Man charged with Felony Aggravated Sexual Assault of child in Harris county Court 184; Dismissed (no Bill) by Grand Jury
- State vs. PC: Man Charged with Felony Indecency with child in Harris County Court 209; Dismissed on trial date
- State vs. BS: Minister Charged with Felony Sexual Assault of child in Harris County Court 180; Dismissed-No bill by Grand Jury
- State vs. RM: Charged with Aggravated Assault with deadly weapon-Dismissed
- State vs. MD: Man Charged with Injury to a child in Harris County; Dismissed
If you have been arrested and charged with a crime, consult with one of our esteemed criminal lawyers today.